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Sports Engine App

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Please download the Sports Engine App for your player’s team information. Please opt in to email communications on your account in order to receive critical updates from T&C and your teams.

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SportsEngine Basics - Defining Accounts, Profiles & Guardians

  • Accounts
    An account is generally created by a parent. You use an email address to create the account and it’s how you log in to SportsEngine both on the web and in the mobile app. You manage your profiles (see more below), preference settings, access your calendars, and everything else you do with SportsEngine.

  • Profiles
    Think of these as “people.” – Each account has its own profile that has your information for when you are signing yourself up for something (as a coach, volunteer, manager, or as an athlete yourself). Accounts also create and manage profiles for each athlete/child. These profiles are used when you register a player and also are tied to teams when you or your player get placed on a team.

  • Guardians
    For each profile in your account, you’re considered a “Guardian”. This relationship gives you the ability to create and receive messages for that athlete’s team, respond to RSVPs, participate in chat and anything else connected to your athlete’s team. As the Guardian, you can also connect other accounts to be guardians to your athletes. This allows multiple parents to receive messages, respond to RSVPS, and participate in chat.

For more information on understanding your SportsEngine account please click on the link below:

SportsEngine Account Information

SportsEngine App Troubleshooting

To see your player’s team in the SportsEngine App you must log into the SE App using the SportsEngine account email used to register the player.  This is the email used to create your SportsEngine account and the email that is used to log into SportsEngine when registering your player. This email may or may not be the same that is entered into the player’s registration for the guardian email question.

If your email has changed since you created your SportsEngine account you can update your account email  using the instructions below.

Only the account email used to register the player has access in SportsEngine to a registration/team. Even if a second email is provided in the registration, this email is not necessarily added to the account email and thus will not have access to the team in SE.  The second email will need to be added to the account profile.  Due to privacy reasons only the account owner can add additional guardians.

Instructions for changing an account email and adding a second email/guardian are provided below.

Update Account Emaill Address
Add a Guardian

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