If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact your leagues commissioner or the soccer board. Contact information can be found on the Soccer Board page.
T&C Soccer
Soccer Documents / FAQ
T&C Soccer offers programs for ages 3 to 18 with spring and fall leagues. There are several levels of competition offered including recreational and competitive play.
T&C Soccer has adopted the US Soccer Player Development Initiatives.
Soccer General FAQ's
How does Town and Country notify me about my team and schedule?
All first-level communication is done by email. With a small number of soccer volunteers and staff, and thousands of players and parents, email is the best way to share specific information. Please make sure you register with an email address that you will check regularly. Once you have been assigned to a team, your coach may email or phone you about practices and other information. You can also check the web site directly to get game schedules and check on the rain-out status of the fields.
When will practices begin?
Depending on the division or team formation, T&C Soccer leagues try to start practicing 2-3 weeks prior to opening day games for the season. Practices typically start the Monday after team formation is complete. Practices are scheduled once the coach has the player roster and contacts the team members and parents.
When will the season begin?
The Spring season typically starts near the end of February while the Fall season typically starts in August. Please check the calendar page for league dates and events.
How long will the seasons last?
There are two T&C soccer seasons, the main one in the fall, and a second one in the spring. The fall season starts with practices in August and games in September, and runs through early November, usually 10 weeks with 10 games played. The spring season starts with practices in late February and games in March, and runs through early May, usually 10 weeks with 8 games played. For U15-U19 ages, games do not usually begin until late March after spring break (which is about the time that the high school seasons wind up).
Do we get a uniform?
A: U4-U10 Recreational players will be provided a team jersey (Adidas Tabela 23), no shorts or socks
A: U11-U19 DIII Recreational players have a home & away jersey set (Adidas Tabela 23), short and socks.
A: SELECT UNIFORMS ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE REGISTRATION FEE AND MUST BE PURCHASED SEPARATELY. An email will be sent with instructions on how to order your uniform kit after registration is complete.
What equipment will my child need before the first practice or game?
The registration fee includes a jersey for each player to use during league games. Every player needs their own ball, soccer-cleats or turf shoes or plain athletic shoes, shin guards, team jersey, soccer socks, soccer shorts, and a water bottle. The following types of shoes are not permitted for practices or games: baseball cleats; football shoes or any shoe with a toe cleat; any shoe with metal cleats.
What size ball do we use?
Age 4 and U5-U8 use a size 3 ball. U9-U12 use a size 4 ball. U13+ use a size 5 ball.
How to read rain out information?
The web page will be updated as soon as we can get the information that games are canceled. On large rain event days, it will be an easy call for our soccer board to make. They will contact us and we will update the page between 3:00 & 5:00 PM weekdays, and between 7:30 and 8:30 AM on Saturdays. On days when there is thunder, lightning, or light rain just before at or during game time, a commissioner will need to evaluate the fields and contact us with specific information about which fields are playable and which are not. We may not get the data updated until closer to or at game time on these days.
On the front page, you will see a button titled “Field Status”. Clicking this will take you to the Field Status page which is updated daily at a minimum and more frequently during weather events. The field status is also updated on our Twitter account: @TCSportsAustin.
Until the page is updated, or you have been contacted by your coach, you should assume games are being played. To be sure you are seeing the freshest information posted to the web page, click the refresh button in your browser’s tool bar.
What is the Town & Country Lightning Policy?
The Town & Country Sports Complex is now monitored by a Thor Guard lightning prediction and warning system. The Thor Guard system measures atmospheric conditions at the T&C campus and surrounding area. When the conditions reach the threshold for potential lightning, an alarm will sound (one long blast of the sirens) and the strobe lights will begin to flash.
Steps to take when the Thor Guard sirens and lights are activated:
1. EVERYONE on the T&C campus must take immediate shelter, either in cars or in the T&C restrooms (these are the safest structures).
2. Only when the Thor Guard system gives the ‘all clear’ (3 short siren blasts and the lights go off), may activities resume.
It is the responsibility of every adult on campus to comply with these steps, and to ensure that every child also complies. This is a Zero Tolerance safety condition for participating at T&C. Failure to comply is to do so at your own safety risk, and with possible expulsion from the T&C campus and future activities.
You may view the status of the T&C Thor Guard system from your smart phone or PC at this link: tandcsports.thormobile7.net
Additional Common-Sense Steps:
In the unlikely event that you see lightning in the vicinity or hear thunder, and the Thor Guard system has not activated:
1. Notify the Commissioner on Duty (COD) for your sport.
2. The COD will consider this information and determine if activities should be suspended. The COD may use additional sources of information, such as the ‘Weatherbug’ app, in making the decision. Lightning strikes within 10 miles identified by the app warrant suspension of activities.
3. If the COD decides to suspend activities, he/she will retrieve the bullhorn from the lightning box by the main office, and trigger 5 long blasts. Upon hearing these blasts, EVERYONE on campus, across all sports, must immediately seek shelter in cars or restrooms.
4. The COD who initiated the suspension of activities will communicate the ‘all clear’ 30 minutes after the last reported thunder or lighting. This will be done through 2 blasts on the bullhorn.
For more detailed T&C Thunder and Lightning Policy and Procedure click here. Your help on complying to this policy will be appreciated.
Where are the games?
All of the Division IV games are held at the Town and Country fields. See Field & Maps page.
Academy, Division III, Division II, Super II, and Division I will typically play half their games at the Town and Country fields and half their games as the visiting team on fields around the Greater Austin area.
When are the games played?
Games are scheduled on Saturdays and/or Sundays. Saturday games start between 8am and 5pm. Sunday games start between 11am and 5pm. Once the teams are put together and coaches are rostered to the teams, you will get a call or email from the coach. Please be patient as team formation is not finished until just prior to the start of the season.
Will we have to travel?
For Recreational teams from Age4 to U10, games will be played at T&C fields. For Academy and U11 and above, there will be travel required. T&C is part of the Capital Area Youth Soccer Assn (CAYSA) and we play other Recreational and Competitive teams that are also a part of CAYSA. Different levels of play may require more travel than other. For example, a Super II or Division I team may travel to Corpus Christi, or Victoria. A Recreational CAYSA team may travel to Round Rock, Pflugerville, Georgetown, or Lampasas.
How long are the games?
- Age4 and U5-U6 Games are 4 quarters of 8 minutes with 2 min breaks between quarters and a 5-min break at half. Including warm-up and post-game snacks, it is about an hour from start to finish.
- U7-U8 games are 4 quarters of 10 minutes with 2-min breaks between quarters and a 5-min break at half. Including referee check-ins and post-game snacks, it is about an hour and 15min from start to finish.
- U9-U10 games are 2 halves of 25 minutes with a 5-min break at half. Including referee check-ins and post-game snacks, it is about an hour and 15min from start to finish.
- U11-U12 games are two halves of 30 minutes each with a 10 minute halftime break.
- U13-U14 games are two halves of 35 minutes each with a 10 minute halftime break.
- U15-U16 games are two halves of 40 minutes each with a 10 minute halftime break.
- U17 and up games are two halves of 45 minutes each with a 10 minute halftime break.
Why do we play some teams twice and not others?
Some age groups have more teams than can be scheduled together as one group. In this situation, the age-group commissioner breaks the teams into two or more brackets and teams only play other teams in the same bracket. This also allows an opportunity to group teams by strength based on their previous season’s performance and try to provide more even competition within each bracket.
Do we keep scores/standings?
In Age4 and U5-U6 no score is kept. In U7-U10 scores are kept by the referees and the winning coach will sign the game card which the referee submits. The Winning coach should also email the final score to the age-group commissioner. There are no official standings kept in the Division IV league. The scores are used by the commissioners to monitor the match-ups and form better matched brackets the following season. In U11 and up, the game cards are signed and mailed to the CAYSA VP for the appropriate age group. Standings are kept and can be viewed at www.caysa.org. Invitations to post season tournaments for Rec+ and U11 and up are based on a team’s standing in its bracket.
What is the required playing time for each player?
Recreational soccer has a 50% per game play rule, whereby all kids are given the opportunity to play 50% of the game time for which they are present. Each player present for the entire game should play at least half of each half. In some instances, this may be modified per the coaches discretion for player behavioral or medical problems.
Do we get pictures?
In past seasons, teams have enjoyed picture day; receiving one print from the vendor. We do not anticipate free prints from our vendor going forward, however, there will be an opportunity to purchase team and/or individual photo packages at that time.
Do we get trophies or medals?
All Age 4 and U5-U10 teams, both Recreational and Recreational Plus, get trophies in the Fall and Medals in the Spring. Many teams of all age levels also decide to separately purchase trophies for their players. There are no championship or placement recognitions in the Age 4-U10 Recreational league.
Soccer Registration FAQ's
Where do I go to register?
All registration is on line. Please go to the T&C Soccer site and click on the registration button on the right side of the page.
How are teams formed?
We build teams by first trying to keep together teams from the previous season if the coach and team returns the following season and you register by the return to team deadline, then teams are formed by “buddy requests”, and then by grouping by school and neighborhood proximity, this does not apply to late registrations and waitlists.
Can I stay with my team or coach from last season?
Yes, we try to keep returning teams together and you can list your previous team’s name and coach in the registration process and, if the coach and team returns the following season, the age-group commissioner will try to honor requests to return to the same team/coach.
Do I have to try-out for a team?
There are no try-outs for Recreational soccer. When you register, the age-group commissioner will place you on a team based on the guidelines.
For competitive teams, the coach determines who is on the team. Prospective players must attend tryouts in May held each year. If tryouts are missed players must be evaluated by one of our trained coaches from T&C.
What is the refund policy at T&C?
As per the registration agreement, there is a 10% admin fee held out on ALL approved refunds. IF a refund is requested after team assignment 25% will be refunded. No refunds will be given after the start of the T&C soccer season or the team’s first game, whichever comes first. There are no refunds after the season begins. No refunds are given to decal orders, donations, late fees, or because of team placement.
Late registration is over; can I still get on a team?
Once regular registration ends, the team counts are finalized. Certain divisions fill up very quickly. When late registration is completed we will close the registration. If you still wish to be placed on a team, please contact the appropriate commissioner of the division.
What paperwork do I need?
All soccer players are required to complete and sign a medical release form (found here). The medical release form is to be provided to and retained by your coach.
For non-US-born players or players with dual-citizenship (US and some other country), there will be some follow-up later regarding one or more International Player Clearance forms which need to be submitted to FIFA through STYSA. This has nothing to do with the US government, but is a requirement by FIFA of all soccer clubs worldwide.
All soccer players will be required to show Proof of Age. If not already on file with the T&C Office, a copy of a birth certificate or other document meeting the STYSA requirements, mustbe received by the T&C Soccer Registrar or the T&C Office within five (5) business days from the date of your on-line registration. Scans or copies of documents must be legible to be accepted. Players cannot be assigned to a team without proof of birthdate on file at T&C. This is a requirement from our parent organizations, CAYSA, STYSA/USYS, WDS2, WDDOA to ensure fairness of play and given the importance playing in the appropriate age group, the requirement is to verify the registered birthdate by seeing official proof of a birthdate. Click here for Procedures to Submit Documents.
Soccer Leagues & Divisions FAQ's
How big are the teams?
T&C uses small-sided teams. Small Sided Soccer is played with fewer players competing on a smaller sized field. These are fun games that involve the players more because fewer players are sharing one ball. Read more about small sided soccer at: 5 things to know about Small sided games
- Age4 and U5-U6: 4v4, max 8 per team
- U7-U8: 4v4, max 8 per team
- U9-U10: 7v7, max 12 per team
- U11-U12: 9v9, max 15 per team
- U13-U15: 11v11, max 18 per team
- U16-U19: 11v11, max 22 per team
What is the difference between competition levels, such as DIV, DIII, and DII?
DIV stands for ‘Division 4’, DIII stands for ‘Division 3’, etc., each of those categories defines a an age group and level of play.
- DIV is age groups Age4 and U5 through U10 (Recreational)
- Academy is age groups U9 through U10 where recreational teams play inter-league (includes non-T&C teams) in order to provide more competitive play.
- DIII is age groups U11 through U19 (Recreational)
- DII is age groups U11 through U19 where the teams are formed (selected) to compete at a higher level of competition
- Super II is age groups U11 through U19 at a competition level higher than DII.
- DI is age groups U11 through u19 at a competition level higher than Super II.
Can I play down into a younger age bracket?
No, regardless of how inexperienced the player is, s/he may NOT play down into a younger age bracket.
Can I play up into an older age bracket?
Yes, an experienced or particularly talented player may choose to play up one age group in U5-U19 with coach or commissioner approval. Under very exceptional circumstances, and only with commissioner approval, a player may play up two age groups. Nobody may play up in Age4.
Do boys and girls play on the same team?
In Age4 and U5, boys and girls play on the same team. Starting in U6, boys and girls play in different leagues.
What are the ages for the different leagues?
A children is in a U-xx league when they are “under” the age of that league. For example, A U8 player is a player who is Under 8 years old at the beginning of the fall season (midnight when December 31 becomes January 1). The player may turn 8 at any point after the beginning of the season and still be a U8 player until the beginning of the next fall season. There are many spring season U8 players who are already 8 years old.
Age 4 is a special designation used instead of U4. Players are eligible for Age4 if their 4th birthday occurs between January 1 and December 31. Unlike the U-xx leagues, playing up is not permitted, i.e., a player whose 3rd birthday occurs during the January 1 and December 31 period may not play in Age4 during that same period.
In older age groups, there may be more than one age group in a league. For example, it is common for a U16 league to consist of U15 and U16 players, or a U19 league to consist of U17, U18, and U19 players. The age group of a team is determined based on the oldest player on the team.
What does U-xx mean?
“U” stands for “Under”. For example, a U-11 player was under 11 years of age as of the previous midnight December 31.
Soccer Gameplay FAQ's
When can we substitute? Are the rules enforced for the little kids?
There are firm rules on substitutions for U7 and up, but you can discuss with the ref and other coach if you need to make them more lenient. Officially, you can only sub on a goal kick, a mid-field kickoff (after a goal is scored), or when it’s your possession on a kick in (throw in for U11+). You cannot make a substitution during the other team’s kick-in/throw in, or on penalty kicks, or on corner kicks. In order to sub, you should have your players standing on the sideline at the middle of the field ready to go in. When you can make the substitution, get the ref’s attention (usually by yelling “Ref, sub!”) and wait for him to wave the players on to the field. For U7-U10 you can ask before the game if it’s okay with the ref and the other coach to sub on any kick-in instead of only your own. For U11+ referees will usually enforce the rule that the player leaving the field must be completely off the field before the substitute player enters. In any case, if play resumes before you get the refs attention for the sub, then you have to wait for the next chance.
How fast can our team make their kick in?
The team kicking in/throwing in can take their kick in/throw in as quickly as they want. There is no requirement that they wait for the other team. Many teams practice quick “set plays” for kick-ins specifically to take advantage of their opponent being out of position. If something else is going on that requires the game to be paused, the ref should halt the play directly and then blow the whistle to resume play. However, normally, the team with possession just places the ball and takes the kick or makes the throw whenever they’re ready.
Soccer Coaching FAQ's
How do I become a coach?
To become a coach, you must fill out a coach’s application during registration. You are also required to give permission for a background check. You need to give coaching background, if any, and character references. The Baseball Board will review all applications and select the coaches for that season.
What kind of coaching is provided at T&C?
All soccer teams are coached by VOLUNTEER parent coaches. Professionally provided coaches would cost hundreds of dollars per season more than we pay in fees now. In the competitive divisions we have some very highly trained and licensed coaches. We also offer technical skills training as part of your registration fee once per week for ages U6-U19.
How does a team pick the coach?
Some teams have returning or assigned coaches. Others the parents should get together via email or in person and decide on the coach. One person can coach, one person can coach and another assistant coach, or parents can co-coach, as long as we have a Head Coach listed on the roster. Only registered coaches will be allowed on the team side of the field in U7 and older.
No one knows how to coach or we want to learn more.
There are lots of references that can be found for free on the web. There are classes available multiple times each year in the central Texas area. For more information, see https://www.stxsoccer.org/coaches. For the younger age groups, very little prior knowledge (if any) is needed. Your age group commissioner is your first point of contact for questions. T&C also maintains a library of videos and books that can be checked out at the main club-house by field 2.
I've never coached before, can I be a coach?
Yes, anyone can volunteer to coach a Recreational team. Obviously it helps if you’re familiar with the rules and how the game is played, especially in the older age groups, but many of the responsibilities of a Recreational coach are administrative in nature. Enthusiasm and a desire to work with the players are the most important qualities. Often two or three parents will work together with one being the “team manager” who handles all the communication with the parents and league, and other(s) helping run practices. Anyone who is a coach or assistant coach must go through the Kid-Safe Network (KSN) coaches certification training AND a GotSoccer background check and keep their Kid-Safe (KSN) card with them during games and practices.
It rained and the field was closed. What about rainout games?
Rained out games are automatically rescheduled for the U4-U10 ages. For U11-U19 the coaches must reschedule the games through CAYSA; check the schedule on Monday or so to see the rescheduling.
How do I reschedule my game other than weather reasons?
The reschedule process is detailed on the SCHEDULES page listed in the left margin.
When can we substitute? Are the rules enforced for the little kids?
There are firm rules on substitutions for U7 and up, but you can discuss with the ref and other coach if you need to make them more lenient. Officially, you can only sub on a goal kick, a mid-field kickoff (after a goal is scored), or when it’s your possession on a kick in (throw in for U11+). You cannot make a substitution during the other team’s kick-in/throw in, or on penalty kicks, or on corner kicks. In order to sub, you should have your players standing on the sideline at the middle of the field ready to go in. When you can make the substitution, get the ref’s attention (usually by yelling “Ref, sub!”) and wait for him to wave the players on to the field. For U7-U10 you can ask before the game if it’s okay with the ref and the other coach to sub on any kick-in instead of only your own. For U11+ referees will usually enforce the rule that the player leaving the field must be completely off the field before the substitute player enters. In any case, if play resumes before you get the refs attention for the sub, then you have to wait for the next chance.
Soccer Practice FAQ's
How often do we practice?
Practices are scheduled and managed by the volunteer coaches. Age4 and U5 are no-practice leagues except for 10 minutes of practice time available at the start of each scheduled game. Some, but not all, U6 teams have one practice per week, not to exceed 30-45 minutes. U7 and U8 teams usually practice once a week, for 45-60 minutes. U9-U10 teams practice once or twice a week, for 60-75 minutes. U11 and older teams practice once or twice a week for 75-90 minutes.
Where are practices held?
For Division IV, for U7-U10 teams are a allowed one practice a week at T&C. Rec+ and Division III teams have two practices per week at T&C included in registration. Division II, Super II, and Division I have two practices at T&C included in registration.
Does my child have to go to practice to play?
Since it is a team effort, please make every effort to have your child at practice, but the 50% play time rule (unless set aside for discipline or injury situations).
Can I request to get on a team that practices certain days?
No, we cannot guarantee what day a team will practice as that is up to each coach and their schedule. If you wish to practice a certain day then please volunteer to coach so you can practice on the day you need.
Soccer Volunteering & Buyout Policy FAQ's
Do I have to volunteer?
To keep our registration fees as affordable as possible, T&C Soccer relies on volunteers to help with the operation of our programs. Beginning Fall 2022, T&C Soccer will be implementing a new $30 volunteer buyout. Each player’s $30 buyout must be paid at registration. Those interested in volunteering their time will be refunded the buyout upon completion of volunteer commitments each season. To qualify for the volunteer buyout refund, all Recreational, Academy, Competitive and Premier families are required to volunteer four (4) hours of their time per player prior to the end of each Fall and Spring soccer seasons. Reimbursements of the buyout will be made to the original form of payment used during registration.
How do I volunteer?
Throughout the season, emails will be sent to all players’ families with information on volunteer opportunities with a link to sign up. When larger event opportunities are available, such as our Fall or Spring tournaments, there will be Facebook posts as well. For questions about specific roles you feel that you could help out with please email soccerdirector@tandcsports.org.
How do I receive my Volunteer Buyout reimbursement?
Upon completion and confirmation of your volunteer commitment each season, T&C Soccer will refund your buyout via the method you paid during registration. In order to receive your buyout, you must contact the volunteer coordinator to request your rebate upon completion of your 4 hr volunteer commitment. All rebate requests must be made before November 30th for the Fall season and May 30th for the Spring Season.
Can I choose to donate my buyout fees?
Parents who volunteer may elect to donate their buyout fee to T&C Soccer. Upon request, a tax-deductible receipt will be given to these parents. For those that have not made a request for their buyout rebate by Nov 30th each Fall or May 30th each Spring, proceeds will be automatically applied towards general T&C Soccer program expenses. Records will be kept for those who wish to receive a tax-deductible receipt.
How can I earn my $30 buyout fee rebate?
By completing a minimum of 4 hours of volunteering in one or more of the following roles; Recreational or Competitive Head Coach, Competitive or Rec. Assistant Coach, Team Manager (U11 – U18 ONLY), Referee, Game Day Opening/Closing Volunteer, Game Day Duty Volunteer, Field Day Volunteer, Tournament Support. More details and additional roles can be found on the buyout policy here.
Does volunteering to serve as Team Parent for Rec. (D4) team count towards volunteer hours?
No. If, however, a coach cannot complete their season and you are stepping in to coach and the club has been notified, then this will count. Simply helping a coach fill in for a game or a practice will not count towards your volunteer hours.
Does “helping” my Rec. coach if he or she is not able to be there for a game or practice count towards my volunteer hours?
No, however we encourage you as a team parent to support your volunteer coaches by assisting with any duties that may cause a distraction to “on-the-field” coaching duties, i.e. organizing snacks for the kids, end of season parties, etc, but this is not a role that will count towards individual volunteer hours. Additionally, all coaches who work with the children must have passed a background check.
How can I find out about volunteer opportunities?
Throughout the season, emails will be sent to all players’ families with information on volunteer opportunities with a link to sign up. When larger event opportunities are available, such as our Fall or Spring tournaments, there will be Facebook posts as well.
The sign up is full, now what?
Sign-ups for preferred volunteer opportunities fill up fast. T&C Soccer has over 1500 members so keep watching your email and check the sign-up sheet often. There may be last minute cancellations. If the cancellations are caught in time, notifications may be sent looking for new volunteers. The volunteer coordinator will send communications when there is a last minute opening or volunteer opportunity are forced to be rescheduled. Otherwise, there will be plenty of opportunities, including Field Day special projects each season. Please watch your emails for more preferred options, if you miss your preferred opportunity earlier in the season.
I put in my 4 hours, when will I get refunded my buyout?
Refunds will be refunded in a timely manner upon completion of the volunteer requirement. Once the requirement is complete, parents must request confirmation that their commitment has been completed and request their refund by May 30th (each Spring) and November 30th (each Fall). Refunds will be processed to the original form of payment. Once processed, refunds may take up to five business days to appear on your bank/credit card statement.
I would like to donate my volunteer hours to another family. may I do that?
Yes, we appreciate that some families have extenuating circumstances that make it difficult to meet their volunteer requirement. If you so choose, you may donate your time for one additional family per season by communicating and coordinating with our volunteer coordinator.
I volunteered more than the minimum 4 hours needed. I want to apply my additional hours to next season. Can I do that?
No. We thank you for helping T&C Soccer as we are a volunteer based organization. Volunteer hours, however, cannot be carried over to the next soccer year or season. For example, if you only need to put in 8 hours in a season and you put in 10 hours, you will receive credit for your 8 hour requirement, but you do not get to carry over 2 hours to the following season.
Soccer Referee FAQ's
Who referees the game?
Age4 and U5-U6, the coaches referee the game and keep game-play moving. U7 and higher have US Soccer Federation (USSF) licensed referees provided by T&C.
How old do you have to be to be a referee?
Most referees are at least 12 years old. Contact the referee director or assigners for more information.
Why do some referees call the game differently?
The refs have considerable discretion on how to run the game. As a coach, it is important to meet with the referee’s briefly before the game and introduce yourself and get clarification on how they plan to call the game. If you have any specific preferences you can make them known then. Some of the things that can be variable from game to game are how rigidly they enforce substitution rules, whether they’re going to end quarters exactly at 10-min or let the play conclude and call the quarter at a dead ball, and whether they’re going to call every foul immediately or allow for “advantage” and let play continue for a bit to see if the foul actually affects the team controlling the ball.